10 February 2014

Homemade Coconut Oil: Easy Steps

Coconut oil has been proven by many (including my grandmothers) to be useful in different ways. Coconut oil is widely used by many, it can be used both internally and externally. Coconut oil helps moisturize your baby's tender skin, and prevents diaper rash. It can also be used on pets like dogs, yes! It helps fight lice plus other skin issues, and leaves your dog smelling nice. It fights cough and cold when taken internally.

Because of its crave by many, makes it cost quite a bit. I prefer the homemade Coconut oil because it is natural and doesn't have to pass through chemical filtration and distillation.lol

Here's how I make mine

Break the coconut (the hard fleshed ones are most preferred) and separate the flesh from the shell.

Cut the coconut flesh into sizeable parts.

Next, take the coconut flesh in parts and grate...like in the picture above.

Now, pour the grated coconut into a pot (size of pot will depend on the quantity of coconut), place the pot on fire and allow to cook until the grated coconut turns to brown. You can stir at intervals.
Your coconut oil should look like the one in the picture above.
Sieve the oil out by using cheese cloth into another pot, allow to cool before pouring into your choice of storage container.
The browned coconut crumbs can be eaten as well...this is optional, but I love eating it and you will too.

Now, your coconut oil is ready for use!

You can use it for:
- Cooking
- Baking
- Deep Frying
- Shaving
- Softening Cuticles
- Conditioning Hair
- Taming Dry Skin
- Curing Dry, Flakey Scalp
- Facial Cleanser
- Make-up Remover
- Stretch Mark Remover and Prevention

See other uses here.


  1. So easy, thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome Zainab. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Thanks for this Catherine. I also love eating the brown coconut left,tis always so sweet..


  3. Thanks for this Catherine. I also love eating the brown coconut after the process of filtering the oil,it tastes yummy!

    1. Thank you too for reading and sharing your thoughts. Have you tried using the oil to fry yam? You'll love it too.

  4. Coconut products are my best products because it smells so good. Love this concept of using coconut. And thanks for sharing.

  5. This is a great DIY, although I don't have access to coconut at the time, when I get back to Nigeria, I would try this out. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks too for reading and commenting... Try it and see how it turns out.

  6. I'll surely try....i got lazy when i read that i'll have to keep the filtered milk to ferment before i get the oil, but this is a quick method that i must try:)
    Well done Cathy
    The Beautiful Eagle's Blog

    1. Yes dear, there are actually 3 different methods of making it.

  7. I so much love coconut oil... My grandmum makes it for us. The natural perfume is really nice.

    1. Hope you'll get to make it yourself someday... Yes, the perfume is so natural


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